Be Met Where You Are

I wonder if it's because as Episcopalians we value tradition so much, that a lot of Episcopalians choose the same Lenten devotion year after year?

As for me, even one who values tradition so much, I have always had different Lenten practices each Lent. I take into account what is happening in my life, where are my spirit is parched, and seek to engage in a practice that will slake my thirst.

As we come around to a full year of living in a pandemic lifestyle, you perhaps find yourself like me, overwhelmed, tired, and eager for things to return back to normal.

 At Saint Paul’s, we have shared a booklet titled Lenten Micro Practices, daily practices during the season of Lent that are small, manageable, and deeply meaningful. It has been wonderful to engage with the holiness of Lent while also feeling the weight of the world up on my shoulders.

My prayer for each and every one of you would be that you can accept the invitation to a holy Lent and not be overwhelmed by it. May your Lenten journey serve you in your current circumstance, and in those Lenten practices, may you find God with you.

—The Very Rev. Katie Churchwell

St. Paul’s Cathedral, OKC