Tis’ the season.
There’s so much happening right now!!! I want to write you about a few things coming up, AND about some opportunities in the new year.
First, this evening is our Wednesday night community meal followed by youth, choir, and young adult formation. We’ll begin eating around six, but don’t worry about being ‘on time’—we’ll see you when you get here. Tonight’s menu: Pizza.
Next, there’s a service tomorrow evening called, “A Service of Remembrance”. While its main point is to allow those with holiday grief an opportunity to remember their loved ones, it can also serve as a point of support from those of you who may not have emotional difficulty during these weeks. The service starts at seven and all are welcome; please come and join us for a contemplative mass.
Advent four is Sunday at the regular time, but with one new class prior to service: Confirmation class. Have you been confirmed in the Episcopal Church? If not, do you know what that means? Even if you HAVE been confirmed, how long ago was it and could you use a refresher course? All are welcome to attend these classes, and I believe that we’ll all benefit from the conversations had—including myself. I usually walk away receiving new insight—and even if I don’t, I always walk away feeling a deeper connection to my personal faith. Please let me know if you’d like to be confirmed, received, or would just like to attend the class (even those of you that attended this time last year).
IMPORTANT! Following church on Sunday, we’ll be decking the halls! It’s a mighty job so we’ll need ALL the help we can get to create the Christmas atmosphere you’ve all been anticipating. With lots of folks, it will make the work more fun and quite a bit quicker, plus, we’re gonna feed you! SO please, if you can spare the time, plan to hang out after church and decorate for Jesus’ birthday party!
Additionally, there will be services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. CE service begins at 9:30 with a music program (you’ll get to sing some carols, too) followed by Midnight Mass at 10:30pm. Please come and take part in what is one of the most beautiful services in our liturgy. And bring your family and friends! Santa might be able to make it, too, for a brief cameo whilst on his way down to South America, so don’t miss the chance to see him. Christmas day service begins at 9am. If you haven’t ever attended one, AND you have the chance, come and be with us as we celebrate Jesus Christ on his official (yet probably not actual) birthday. I hope to see you there—I’ll be the one in the loud and obnoxious Christmas suit.
Life and vitality means being busy; we must be full of both! Thanks for being a part of this family, and for walking together in faith, hope and love as witnesses of Jesus Christ. Bless you all and I’ll see you sometime soon at an event near you!
Faithfully, Fr. Sean+