April 4, 2018

First, I’d like to thank all of you for the dedication you showed in making last week’s services truly memorable. The Altar Guild, the photo team, lay readers, acolytes, Dion, the music team, the choir, the hospitality people, ushers, greeters, visitors, kid-watchers, attenders, and anyone else of whom I may have missed. I would also like to give special recognition to one of our most unsung valuable people…Chad Yarbrough. His work last week on bulletins and various other tasks, coupled with his ability to deal with a crazy rector, made for a memorable experience.

Seriously, thank you all so very much.

We had 267 people at all services last week—140 people attended at the Easter service! ONE HUNDRED FORTY! If anyone was wondering whether or not we’re getting the word out, that curiosity can be laid to rest. We’re doing good things here, and the months have been wonderful.

So what now? The week has past, the services are over. But it’s STILL Easter! We have a complete season of Easter to attend, filled with more good news and worship, joyful moments and numerous activities at the church. Let’s not lose the momentum from the Holy Spirit’s lent fervor!

Coming up, we have a work-day, an open-mic night, a financial seminar, an ECW weekend, a Cursillo weekend, a golf tournament, and so much more. I’m so excited about our future, here, but I’m just as excited about our present. We are Easter people, all the time, and the resurrection is happening at Resurrection. Much love to you all, and I’ll see you very soon.

Fr. Sean+