Hello everyone! I sure did miss all of you while I was away, last week. I hope your summer season is going well so far!
I wanted to talk to you about some of the continuing opportunities with our building, and what that might mean for the next few years. If you don’t know how much work has been put into this place over the last few years’ time, you would be astonished at the transformation thus far. Resurrection has seen: A new parking lot (hats off to the Diocese), new Narthex flooring, new bathroom remodel, new parish hall floors and lights, a revitalized baseball field, new flooring throughout the church, new paint in hallways and in the back office area, new office flooring, and a continued effort by Wade, Bill, and Elizabeth to upkeep the grounds. Basically, the church is being renewed on a meta-level!
But we still have some work to do. I think it’s important for us to be good stewards of this place; judging by the amount of time, talent and treasure that you’ve all donated, I know you agree. The last three projects have been costly (floors and two new bathrooms and two new AC units), and I greatly appreciate your willingness to provide for them! I am not asking for additional funds at this time. I simply want to make you aware of possibilities and opportunities that will likely present themselves in the next couple of years.
As many of you know, we’ve had another AC unit breakdown above the Parish Hall. That unit will be replaced in two weeks’ time, so if it’s a little hot in there, now you know why. The simple truth is that, of the eleven units on the building, at least five of them are nearing the thirty-year mark. This means that we’re inevitably going to need to replace them in the future. We have already setup proactive maintenance for these machines in hopes that they’ll give us a bit more time. But I think it’s important that you at least know what might happen, next. Please know that we’re doing everything in our power to take great care of the building (and that began before I arrived and is being continued). We just might have a few more needs in the coming years in order to arrive at a fully healthy and revitalized space.
Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your hands-on labor. And thank you for the love you show for this place. All we do for the building helps us to attract new families, outside groups for meetings, and the backyard neighborhood for events. In the words of “Field of Dreams”, “If you build it, they will come.” Again, I’m not asking for more right now, I’m just letting you know the status of “where we are”. And it’s a far cry better than where we were. Thanks from a grateful new rector to those of you who have made this place better and beautiful prior to my arrival. I give you my word that I’ll work diligently to keep that progress moving. This is our home, and together we can continue to grow the family inside.
Fr. Sean+