There's a pervasive sense of wondering/wandering in my life right now:
When will things find a new normal?
What do I do with the 'extra' time?
Am I doing enough?
As these questions rifle through my mind, the answers come almost as quickly: Be still; you are beloved. It's a strange time, to be certain, but the grace abounding within turmoil hasn't gone unnoticed. While my health hasn't been all that great, I have insurance and good doctors. While the church doors have been closed, we've continued to add people to our calls and zoom meetings. While many ministry groups have been suspended, others have been created and are flourishing. God is evident in all of these moments, a presence in a veritable ongoing thin space that sustains me and brings joy in the lowest of times.
God breaking through and shedding light in the darkness happened quite a long time ago for me, but it continues to happen. I just have to be willing to listen for the shattering glass...with a sigh too deep for words, being wrapped up in the love of Christ. Often times, I choose to turn a deaf ear to that sound—the whisper of the Holy Spirit trying to soothe my soul—instead selecting a penultimate failure or sadness upon which to focus. But that is human nature, and God is there, too. God is readily available to bring us up when we fall, to carry us through the burdensome times in our lives and to dance alongside us in those moments of pure elation. Lest we forget, God created us in His image so that he could look upon us and see a piece of Himself.
As we venture into the unknown—or rather continue to the journey—I encourage all of us to keep in mind that which God so abundantly and freely shares: Grace.
Grace will sustain us. Grace will give us hope. Grace will consume our souls with a Holy fire that has the ability to burn off the chaff of this world and refine us into the fruitful people we were made to be. Instead of asking questions of ‘why’ and ‘how long O Lord’, I’m mindful that searching for God in the midst of this is the answer I really seek. And I’m also aware that I wasn’t there when God created the world, nor will I be here when God ultimately remakes it. It is my, and your, calling to trust in God, love one another, and continue to adapt to an ever-changing landscape of seemingly endless catastrophe. I believe that if we hold our faith dear and accept that grace which is so lovingly given, these times will be mitigated greatly. Instead of wondering and wandering, I’m going to be in this moment with you; I’m going to admit when I’m down and exude joy when I’m up, and I’m going to continue to be there to share those moments with you. Because that’s what God would have us do…because that’s what God does.
…and if we’re created in His image…shouldn’t we do the same?
Fr. Sean+