The television show, “The West Wing”, has some of the best writing I have ever encountered in entertainment. So. Many. Quotables. One, however, sticks out to me today. “He shall from time to time…”
The episode’s titular phrase leads the viewer into the state of the union address, which occurs at the end of the show. In its end, the episode culminates with a conversation between the president and his secretary of agriculture. In case of an attack, the cabinet always leaves one person behind in a safe location so that the government can continue working as intended, through crisis. I’m doing this from memory, so forgive the misquote if there is one…
President: “You know what to do if the worst happens? Gather the generals, go to DEFCON 1. Call the stock market and shut it down. You have a best friend?”
AgSec: “Yessir.”
President: “Is he smarter than you?”
AgSec: “Yessir. He is.”
President: “That’s your chief of staff.”
Meanwhile, in the other room, his COS overhears the convo, and a sweet moment is made.
This weekend is our ‘State of the Union’. Most folks attend meetings for work, regularly, so when their church calls and says, “Hey, we have an idea: Let’s have another MEETING,” they tend to shy away. Suddenly, that cough they have had for the last few days becomes ‘more serious’; the lawn looks like it needs to be cut…with scissors; that garage ain’t gonna clean itself. In other words, excuses bubble up out of nowhere. “Dang, looks like I’m gonna have to miss that…”
But here’s the deal: This meeting is important. We’re going to talk about the last year, honor some folks, discuss finances, discuss ministries, and give the game-plan for the coming twelve months. And, we’re leaving Kay in another room in case y’all mutiny and we need someone left on staff to keep the church going. (sarcasm for those who don’t read it well)
The meeting will be led by me, but I’ll have one of my best friends there—Marc Lau. He’s smarter than me and I trust him. He’s my Chief of Staff, the Senior Warden. The generals take form in Fr. Dion, Trina, and Nicole—we’ll be in good shape with them leading the charge.
You are the army of God. Your persistence in affecting change around you is evident by virtue of your love for one another. You laugh together, cry together, pray together, and live life as more than ‘church friends’. You are actually close to at least one other person in this community. This meeting is important, not because of the ‘business’ portion (which is still necessary) but because we all need to gather so that we see the vitality surging around us in this place.
We often desire to see evidence of the call God places on us; we ask God to show us that we’re doing the right things and that in us He is well-pleased. Well, if you come to the meeting after church, one thing will come to light for certain: That wish will be answered. God may not always let us know how deeply pleased and loved we are through seeing…but when we’re all together? We will see God’s love manifest in our community. He doesn’t always show us…
But He shall from time to time.
Fr. Sean+