The Power of Welcome

As humans, we seek love and acceptance. That’s a universal truth unparalleled. Regardless of station or caste, people genuinely desire to be around one another—we are social creatures. Christianity’s main tenet is to dive deeply into this ethos, to love one another as Christ loves us. As Christ accepts us. Unfortunately, the church large has been found guilty of failing in this mission from time to time. Now, more than ever, the people ‘out there’ have started to believe that they aren’t welcome at church anymore. They have been told they’re not good enough, they’re too sinful, or the church requires them to be perfect to attend. They’ve been told God is angry. They’ve been warned that they need to ‘be’ a certain way before they set foot on hallowed ground.


Allow me to disabuse everyone of this fallacy.


We live in a world that is constantly gatekeeping. Out there, the cliques that form circles to exclude seek power and authority. In here, within the realm of Christianity, we draw our circles to include. Whether you’ve been here for sixty years, or last Sunday was your first time entering the building, you are welcome.


You are welcome to worship.

You are welcome to help in ministries.

You are welcome to attend bible study.

You are welcome to dress comfortably. Or nicely. Whichever suits you.

You are welcome to be single, married, straight, gay, black, white, latino, female, male, aged or young.

You are welcome to say the Nicene Creed, or wait until you learn what it means.

You are welcome (and encouraged) to sing, or simply stand and enjoy the joyful noise.

You are welcome to share your knowledge or to gain some yourself.

You are welcome to give of your time, talent, and treasure. Or not.

You are welcome to receive grace.

You are welcome to receive communion, regardless of your past.

You are welcome to ask questions.

You are welcome to give answers.

You are welcome to be tattooed.

You are welcome when you’re tired.

You are welcome when you’re hurting.

You are welcome when you’re searching.


You are welcome here.


Welcome home.




Fr. Sean+